The two incineration lines of the waste cogeneration plant in Ulm-Donautal recycle the garbage of around 1 million residents. This customer already had great success with the back-cast Mokesys® tiles and therefore decided to also upgrade the rear-ventilated surfaces to Mokesys® products.

In 2016, on the occasion of the general inspection of incineration line 2, Mokesa was contracted to remove the existing rear-ventilated fire-proof surfaces and replace them with Mokesys® rear-ventilated systems. Based on the excellent results achieved by the 2016 conversion of furnace 2, Mokesa was then contracted to upgrade furnace 1 in 2017, the following year. The proven combination of Mokesys® back-cast tiles and Mokesys® rear-ventilated tiles was once again the solution of choice. This refractory concept has allowed the Ulm-Donautal plant to upscale its operations and use state-of-the-art technology which equips the plant for smooth operations in the future.